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海皇豆腐羹 Seafood with Bean Curd (Tofu) in Thick Soup
干燒龍蝦兩隻(共3磅) 或 避風塘溫哥華蟹一隻(2.5磅) Lobsters (2) in Ginger & Scallions (3 lb in total) or Dungeness Crab (1) in Spicy Hong Kong Style (2.5lb)
椒鹽肉排 Pork Tenderloin with Spicy Salt
皇子菇扒豆苗 King Mushroom w/ Snow Pea Leaves
精美甜品 Homemade Dessert
Order online for delivery and takeout: 超值龍蝦(或)溫哥華蟹套餐 Lobster / Dungeness Crab Combo from Omei Restaurant - Richmond Hill. Serving the best Chinese in Richmond Hill, ON.